§ 14-1-52. Construction plans; inspection; reimbursement  

Latest version.
  • (a) Engineering Reports, Construction Plans and Specifications. As required by Section 14-1-31, engineering reports, plans and proposed specifications shall be submitted simultaneously with the filing of the Final Plat. At the Final Plat stage, construction plans for the required improvements conforming in all respects with the standards of the City Engineer and the ordinances of the City shall be prepared at the subdivider's expense by a professional engineer who is registered in the State of Wisconsin, and said plans shall contain his/her seal. Such plans, together with the quantities of construction items, shall be submitted to the City Engineer for his/her approval and for his/her estimate of the total cost of the required improvements; upon approval they shall become a part of the contract required. Simultaneously with the filing of the Final Plat with the City Clerk-Treasurer or as soon thereafter as practicable, copies of the construction plans and specifications shall be furnished for the following public improvements:

    (1) Street Plans and Profiles showing existing and proposed grades, elevations and cross sections of required improvements.

    (2) Sanitary Sewer plans and profiles showing the locations, grades, sizes, elevations and materials of required facilities.

    (3) Storm Sewer and Open Channel plans and profiles showing the locations, grades, sizes, cross sections, elevations and materials of required facilities.

    (4) Water Main plans and profiles showing the locations, sizes, elevations and materials of required facilities.

    (5) Erosion and Sedimentation Control plans showing those structures required to retard the rate of runoff water and those grading and excavating practices that will prevent erosion and sedimentation. Such plans shall comply with the City's Erosion Control Chapter (Title 15, Chapter 2) if applicable.

    (6) Planting Plans showing the locations, age, caliper, species and time of planting of any required grasses, vines, shrubs and trees.

    (7) Master Site Grading Plan. Showing existing and proposed lot corner elevations, top of curb elevations, building location and proposed first floor building elevation, and shall show control and direction of drainage for each lot within the subdivision and for drainage adjacent to the plat.

    (8) Additional special plans or information as required by City officials.

    (b) Action by the City Engineer. The City Engineer shall review or cause to be reviewed the plans and specifications for conformance with the requirements of this Chapter and other pertinent City ordinances and design standards recommended by the City Engineer and approved by the Common Council. If the City Engineer rejects the plans and specifications, he/she shall notify the owner, who shall modify the plans or specifications or both accordingly. When the plans and specifications are corrected, the City Engineer shall approve the plans and specifications for transmittal to the Common Council. The Common Council shall approve the plans and specifications before the improvements are installed and construction commenced.

    (c) Construction and Inspection.

    (1) Prior to starting any of the work covered by the plans approved above, written authorization to start the work shall be obtained from the City Engineer upon receipt of all necessary permits and in accordance with the construction methods of this Chapter. Building permits shall not be issued until all improvements required by this Chapter are satisfactorily completed, and the developer has furnished lien waivers for all contractors.

    (2) During the course of construction, the City Engineer shall make such inspections as he/she or the Common Council deems necessary to insure compliance with the plans and specifications as approved. The City shall have full-time inspections during construction phases. The owner shall pay the actual cost incurred by the City for such inspections. This fee shall be the actual cost to the City of inspectors, engineers and other parties necessary to insure satisfactory work. The engineering costs will be per the engineering agreement.

    (d) Subdivider to Reimburse the City for Costs Sustained. The subdivider of land divisions within the City shall reimburse the City for its actual cost of design, inspection, testing, construction and associated legal and real estate fees for the required public improvements for the land division. The City's costs shall be determined as follows:

    (1) The cost of City employees' time engaged in any way with the required public improvements based on the hourly rate paid to the employee multiplied by a factor determined by the City Clerk-Treasurer to represent the City's cost for expenses, benefits, insurance, sick leave, holidays, vacation and similar benefits.

    (2) The cost of City equipment employed.

    (3) The cost of mileage reimbursed to City employees which is attributed to the land division.

    (4) The actual costs of City materials incorporated into the work, including transportation costs plus a restocking and/or handling fee not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the cost of the materials.

    (5) All consultant fees associated with the public improvements at the invoice amount plus administrative costs. Unless the amount totals less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00), the City shall bill the subdivider monthly for expenses incurred by the City. Statements outstanding for more than thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of one and one-half percent (½%) per month. Bills outstanding for more than ninety (90) days shall be forwarded to the subdivider's surety agency for payment. Amounts less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) shall be held for billing by the City until amounts total more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) or until the conclusion of project activities.

    (e) Record Plans. After completion of all public improvements and prior to final acceptance of said improvements, the subdivider shall make or cause to be made one (1) Mylar and three (3) blue line plan sets showing the actual recorded location of all valves, manholes, stubs, sewers and water mains and such other facilities as the City Engineer shall require. These plans shall be prepared on the original mylars of the construction plans and shall bear the signature and seal of a professional engineer registered in Wisconsin. The presentation of the record plans shall be a condition of final acceptance of the improvements and release of the surety bond assuring their completion.