§ 14-1-31. Preliminary Plat  

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  • (a) Submission. Before submitting a Final Plat for approval, the subdivider shall prepare a Preliminary Plat and a letter of application. The subdivider shall submit fifteen (15) copies of the Preliminary Plat. The Preliminary Plat shall be prepared in accordance with the standards of this Chapter, particularly Section 14-1-40, and the subdivider shall file copies of the Plat and the application as required by this Section with the City Clerk-Treasurer at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting of the Plan Commission at which action is desired. The City Clerk-Treasurer shall submit copies of the Preliminary Plat to the Plan Commission, and to the City Engineer for review and written report of his/her recommendations and reactions to the proposed plat.

    (b) Public Improvements. Simultaneously with the filing of the Preliminary Plat of map, the owner shall file with the City Clerk-Treasurer a concept report addressing sewer and water service feasibility, drainage facilities and centerline profiles showing streets in the subdivision.

    (c) Property Owners Association; Restrictive Covenants. A draft of the legal instruments and rules for proposed property owners associations, when the subdivider proposes that common property within a subdivision would be either owned or maintained by such an organization of property owners or a submit of the City pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 236.293, and proposed deed restrictions or restrictive covenants, shall be submitted at the time of filing the Preliminary Plat with the City Clerk-Treasurer.

    (d) Affidavit. The surveyor preparing the Preliminary Plat shall certify on the face of the plat that it is a correct representation of all existing land divisions and features and that he/she has fully complied with the provisions of this Chapter.

    (e) Supplementary Data to be Filed with Preliminary Plat. The following shall also be filed with the Preliminary Plat:

    (1) Use Statement. A statement of the proposed use of lots stating type of residential buildings with number of proposed dwelling units; types of business or industry so as to reveal the effect of the development on traffic, fire hazards and congestion of population; and

    (2) Zoning Changes. If any zoning changes are contemplated, the proposed zoning plan for the areas, including dimensions; and

    (3) Area Plan. Where the subdivider owns property adjacent to that which is being proposed for the subdivision, the subdivider shall comply with the requirements of Section 14-1-40(a)(5) for the remainder of the property so as to show the possible relationships between the proposed subdivision and future subdivision. In any event, all subdivisions must be shown to relate well with existing or potential adjacent subdivisions.

    (f) Street Plans and Profiles. The subdivider shall provide preliminary street profiles showing existing ground surface, including extensions for a reasonable distance beyond the limits of the proposed subdivision when requested.

    (g) Soil Testing. The subdivider may be required to provide a preliminary soils report, listing the types of soil in the proposed subdivision, their effect on the subdivision and a proposed soil testing and investigation program. Pursuant to the public policy concerns prescribed in Section 14-1-21, the City Engineer may, in addition, require that borings and soundings be made in specified areas to ascertain subsurface soil, rock and water conditions, including depth to bedrock and depth to ground water table. A minimum of one boring per thousand feet of centerline street to a minimum depth of fifteen (15) feet is required.

    (h) Referral to Other Agencies and Utilities.

    (1) Utilities. The subdivider shall also forward a copy to the local electric, gas, cable television and telephone utilities. When the subdivider expects the City to act as the transmitting authority in accordance with Wis. Stats. § 236.12, the application shall state that the transmittal responsibility lies with the City, shall contain a list of the other authorities to which the plat must be submitted, and shall be accompanied by such additional fees and copies of the plat as are necessary to be transmitted to such authorities.

    (2) State Agencies. The City Clerk-Treasurer shall, within two (2) days after the filing of the Preliminary Plat, transmit copies to the Director of the Planning Function in the Wisconsin Department of Commerce, additional copies to the Director of the Planning Function for retransmission of copies to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation if the subdivision abuts or adjoins a state trunk highway or a connecting street, copies to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources if shoreland or floodlands are contained within the proposed subdivision, and an adequate number of copies to the Plan Commission. The Wisconsin Department of Development; Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation shall be hereinafter referred to as objecting agencies.

    (3) Alternative Method. In lieu of the procedure set forth in Subsection (h)(2) above, the subdivider may, pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 236.12(6), submit the original drawing of the preliminary plat directly to the Director of the Planning Function of the Wisconsin Department of Commerce who will prepare and forward copies of the plat at the subdivider's expense to the objecting agencies. When the subdivider elects to use this alternative procedure, it shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to submit the additional copies required herein by Subsections (h)(4) and (5) below.

    (4) City Agencies. The City Clerk-Treasurer shall also transmit two (2) copies of the preliminary plat to the Plan Commission and additional copies to the water and sewer superintendent and all affected City committees, commissions or departments for their review and recommendations concerning matters within their jurisdiction. The recommendations of the affected committees, commissions, and departments shall be transmitted to the City Plan Commission for conformance with this Chapter and all ordinances, rules, regulations, comprehensive plans and comprehensive plan components, and neighborhood plans.

    (5) Extraterritorial Requests. The City Clerk-Treasurer shall also transmit one (1) copy each of the preliminary plat to the respective Township Boards for their review and recommendation concerning matters within the township area affected by the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Their recommendations shall be transmitted to the Plan Commission within thirty (30) days from the date the plat is filed.

    (6) Action by Outside Agencies. Within twenty-five (25) days of the date of receiving the copies of the Preliminary Plat, any state or county agency having authority to object under Subsection (h)(1) above shall notify the subdivider and all approving or objecting authorities of any objection based upon failure of the plat to comply with the statutes or rules which its examination is authorized to cover, or, if all objections have been satisfied, it shall so certify on the face of a copy of the plat and return that copy to the approving authority from which it was received. The plat shall not be approved or deemed approved until any objections have been satisfied. If the objecting agency fails to act within the twenty-five (25) day limit, it shall be deemed to have no objection to the plat. The recommendations of City agencies shall also be transmitted to the Plan Commission within twenty-five (25) days from the date the plat is filed.